175 lines
4.1 KiB
175 lines
4.1 KiB
package game
import (
pb "gitea.boner.be/bdnugget/goonserver/actions"
rl "github.com/gen2brain/raylib-go/raylib"
const (
maxMessages = 50
chatWindowWidth = 400
chatHeight = 200
messageHeight = 20
inputHeight = 30
type Chat struct {
messages []types.ChatMessage
inputBuffer []rune
isTyping bool
cursorPos int
scrollOffset int
func NewChat() *Chat {
return &Chat{
messages: make([]types.ChatMessage, 0, maxMessages),
inputBuffer: make([]rune, 0, 256),
func (c *Chat) AddMessage(playerID int32, content string) {
msg := types.ChatMessage{
PlayerID: playerID,
Content: content,
Time: time.Now(),
if len(c.messages) >= maxMessages {
c.messages = c.messages[1:]
c.messages = append(c.messages, msg)
c.scrollOffset = 0 // Reset scroll position for new messages
func (c *Chat) HandleServerMessages(messages []*pb.ChatMessage) {
// Convert protobuf messages to our local type
for _, msg := range messages {
localMsg := types.ChatMessage{
PlayerID: msg.PlayerId,
Content: msg.Content,
Time: time.Unix(0, msg.Timestamp),
// Only add if it's not already in our history
if len(c.messages) == 0 || c.messages[len(c.messages)-1].Time.UnixNano() < msg.Timestamp {
if len(c.messages) >= maxMessages {
c.messages = c.messages[1:]
c.messages = append(c.messages, localMsg)
func (c *Chat) Draw(screenWidth, screenHeight int32) {
// Draw chat window background
chatX := float32(10)
chatY := float32(screenHeight - chatHeight - 10)
rl.DrawRectangle(int32(chatX), int32(chatY), chatWindowWidth, chatHeight, rl.ColorAlpha(rl.Black, 0.5))
// Draw messages
messageY := chatY + 5
startIdx := len(c.messages) - 1 - c.scrollOffset
endIdx := max(0, startIdx-int((chatHeight-inputHeight)/messageHeight))
for i := startIdx; i >= endIdx && i >= 0; i-- {
msg := c.messages[i]
text := fmt.Sprintf("[%d]: %s", msg.PlayerID, msg.Content)
rl.DrawText(text, int32(chatX)+5, int32(messageY), 20, rl.White)
messageY += messageHeight
// Draw input field
inputY := chatY + float32(chatHeight-inputHeight)
rl.DrawRectangle(int32(chatX), int32(inputY), chatWindowWidth, inputHeight, rl.ColorAlpha(rl.White, 0.3))
if c.isTyping {
inputText := string(c.inputBuffer)
rl.DrawText(inputText, int32(chatX)+5, int32(inputY)+5, 20, rl.White)
// Draw cursor
cursorX := rl.MeasureText(inputText[:c.cursorPos], 20)
rl.DrawRectangle(int32(chatX)+5+cursorX, int32(inputY)+5, 2, 20, rl.White)
} else {
rl.DrawText("Press T to chat", int32(chatX)+5, int32(inputY)+5, 20, rl.Gray)
func (c *Chat) Update() (string, bool) {
// Handle scrolling with mouse wheel when not typing
if !c.isTyping {
wheelMove := rl.GetMouseWheelMove()
if wheelMove != 0 {
maxScroll := max(0, len(c.messages)-int((chatHeight-inputHeight)/messageHeight))
c.scrollOffset = clamp(c.scrollOffset-int(wheelMove), 0, maxScroll)
if rl.IsKeyPressed(rl.KeyT) {
c.isTyping = true
return "", false
return "", false
key := rl.GetCharPressed()
for key > 0 {
if len(c.inputBuffer) < 256 {
c.inputBuffer = append(c.inputBuffer[:c.cursorPos], append([]rune{key}, c.inputBuffer[c.cursorPos:]...)...)
key = rl.GetCharPressed()
if rl.IsKeyPressed(rl.KeyEnter) {
if len(c.inputBuffer) > 0 {
message := string(c.inputBuffer)
c.inputBuffer = c.inputBuffer[:0]
c.cursorPos = 0
c.isTyping = false
return message, true
c.isTyping = false
if rl.IsKeyPressed(rl.KeyEscape) {
c.inputBuffer = c.inputBuffer[:0]
c.cursorPos = 0
c.isTyping = false
if rl.IsKeyPressed(rl.KeyBackspace) && c.cursorPos > 0 {
c.inputBuffer = append(c.inputBuffer[:c.cursorPos-1], c.inputBuffer[c.cursorPos:]...)
if rl.IsKeyPressed(rl.KeyLeft) && c.cursorPos > 0 {
if rl.IsKeyPressed(rl.KeyRight) && c.cursorPos < len(c.inputBuffer) {
return "", false
// Add helper functions
func max(a, b int) int {
if a > b {
return a
return b
func clamp(value, min, max int) int {
if value < min {
return min
if value > max {
return max
return value